Kate Pocock: Family Travel Writer    Kate Pocock: Family Travel Ink
Family Travel Writer, Author and Photographer

250 Willow Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada M4E 3K7
Tel: 416-690-4423
Email: kate@familytravelink.com

FAMILY TRAVEL STORIES WITH TEENS & 20s - Despite certain teenage wobbles, teens and 20-somethings are still travelling with their parents and grandparents. And enjoying it. In fact, multigeneration travel and trips with tweens, teens and twenties are a trend! On this page, you'll find just a sampling of Kate's stories on travel with older kids. And by clicking Here, you'll find photos of some fun travel activities with Teens and 20-Somethings.

"Switching up Your Holiday Traditions"
Your Teen for Parents (2017)



"Family Vacation: Venice, a Watery Wonder World for Kids"
Ensemble Vacations (Spring 2018)



"Travel With Teens? 5 Ways to Make it Awesome"
Your Teen for Parents magazine (July-August 2015)


"Winter Hot Spots for Family Vacations"
Ensemble Vacations magazine (Fall 2015)


"Toronto's Street Art"
SeeTorontoNow.com (spring 2013)


"Top Ten Cool Activities for Teens around Georgian Bay, Ontario"
VisitGeorgianBay.com (summer 2012)


"You Don't Have to go to Disney World: Go to Rome instead"
New York Times online (summer 2012)


  "It's Not Easy Being Tween"
Maclean's magazine (March 2009)


  "Meanwhile... Back at the Ranch"
Family Outlook (summer 2007)



"Blue Mountain: Winter's Playground"
My Ontario magazine (2008)



"Blue Mountain: Winter's Playground"
My Ontario magazine (2008)



"Cities We Love: London on a Budget"
Travel & More ... your AIR MILES magazine (previous)