Kate at the Ice Hotel, Quebec |
As a professional, hard-working writer (see bio), Kate strives to give editors what they need—original ideas and clean copy—on budget and on time.
But don’t rely on Kate’s word. Read a few unsolicited comments from editors with whom she's worked between 2007 and 2018:
”Thanks for all your work in making the Canadian Signature Experiences story a reality in the 2018 Travel Guides to Canada. A lot of digging and research was needed to come up with this cross-section of unique events. Kudos!“
Julia Wall, Editor, Travel Guides to Canada
”I really enjoyed reading your story . . . learning about a local environmentalist was fantastic."
Jordan Niksy,Digital Coordinator, Northeastern Ontario Tourism
We all loved your feature. Thank you!"
Diana Simeon, Editorial Manager, Your Teen Magazine
”Really nice job.“
Hilary Howard, Editor, Room for Debate, New York Times
”Thanks so much for your hard work on this.“
Amanda Arnold, Senior Editor, Forbes Travel Guide
”Got it and love it! This is exactly what I had in mind.“
Betty Zyvatkauskas, Editor, Explore Ontario supplement, Globe & Mail
”Your stories were great, your turnaround time was a
marvel and through it all a helpful sunny disposition... An editor
couldn’t ask for more.“
Jasmine Miller, Editor, New Outlook, Family Outlook magazines
”Kate, that was terrific -- your answers were comprehensive and helpful and thorough. You were great!“
Rasha Mourtada, Online Web Editor, The Globe and Mail
”All the good looks in the world don’t amount to much
without some substance -- and you delivered a great story!“
Jackie Kovacs, Deputy Editor, Today’s Parent magazine
”Not only does Kate possess all of the necessary copyediting, writing, researching, and fact-checking skills. She also brings intelligence, a sense of humor and tremendous enthusiasm to any job.“
Anita Draycott, Editor, Life, etc. magazine
Kate has a wealth of good story material available.
Just back from: Paris, France; Spain: Barcelona, Cordoba, Malaga, Seville; Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; Quebec City; British Columbia: Vancouver, Whistler
Going to (2017/2018): Quebec Maritime area; Ireland: Dublin, Ring of Kerry; Boulder/Denver, Colorado; California.
If you would like to contact Kate about writing/ photos, email her at kate@familytravelink.com or call her @ 416-690-4423.
Copyright © 2003-2025 by writer/photographer Kate Pocock, Toronto, Canada. All Rights Reserved. All content on this site is protected by Canadian and international copyright law. No portion may be copied, reproduced, displayed or distributed without the express written consent of the copyright holder, Kate Pocock.